Good morning, ladies. As some of you may know, I am a homeschooling mom. I currently teach 2 of our children at home, and next year I'm going to add one more. My 4-year-old is soooooooooooo excited to be starting kindergarden next year! Yesterday I just ordered our school books for next year, and I am so excited for them to come.
Along that same line, I just got an email from my friend, Cindy Rushton. She is "pumped" about her Ultimate Homeschool Expo resource library. Actually, she is so "pumped" that she has just shared a sneak peek into her Membership Site.
You see one of the neat things about the Ultimate Homeschool Expo is that everything is ONLINE as more than a convention--it is the ULTIMATE homeschool resource library.
With every online event that Cindy plans, she builds a private, exclusive Membership Site that includes everything from the UHSE in one place--it has audios (from all of the sessions and from the bonus gifts that her speakers give to us), ebooks, complete unit study guides, articles, printable notebooking pages, cookbooks, on and on. I can't believe all of the things that we receive for only $39.95. It is truly ULTIMATE! And this is just perfect for me since I don't really have the ability to go to a homeschool convention. This is so much more convenient.
Anyway, back to the reason that I am sharing with you...
Cindy just sent me permission to give you a sampler of one of her free gifts that is included on the Membership Site. I am so excited to give it to you! It is a audio and ebook set that she actually sells on her website, but she is giving away on the Membership Site. Here is the link:
Let’s Get Ready for a New School Year Super Set!
Let’s Get Ready for the New School Year Mommy Planner…
Ebook by Cindy Rushton
Need some help gearing up for the new school year? Wish you had a friend to take you by the hand and help you plan your year? You will LOVE this! It includes a quick Mommy Planner with a potpourri of planning sheets from all of Cindy's products to help you get started on the right track with your homeschool planning. It is full of goodies! AND YOURS...
Download Part One
Download Part Two
PLUS! Companion Audio! :)
Let’s Get Ready for a New School Year–Audio
Download by Mp3
Isn't that FUN?
You know the saying that a picture captures a thousand words,well...what about a a gift like this??? And, just think...this is only ONE of the awesome gifts included on the Membership Site. There are hundreds more!
Take my word for it, you will WANT a ticket to this event and access to all of the wonderful resources. Grab your ticket here:
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