I have been asked to share with my readers about the new Coupon Mom Show. If you haven't heard of "The Coupon Mom", AKA Stephanie Nelson, she is a mom who has appeared on numerous television shows (The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show, and others) to share her tips for saving money when shopping. She also has a helpful website, http://www.couponmom.com/ where you can get lots of tips, some of her eBooks for free, and sign up for her newsletter where she'll keep you updated with the latest store deals, coupons, and freebies.
The Coupon Mom Show teaches you how to save money by watching Stephanie Nelson work with real families to solve their savings problems in a fun and entertaining way. In each episode, Coupon Mom addresses different financial challenges, from families that want to slash their grocery bills to those hoping to save on holiday meals, birthday parties or even school supplies and provides saving solutions for them. You, my readers, can even visit the Coupon Mom Show page to post your own challenges for Stephanie. Just go to the "Forum" tab on the lefthand side.
New episodes of the Coupon Mom Show will be airing every Thursday on YouTube and on the Coupon Mom Show website
Here is the Coupon Mom Show's video promo so you can see what to expect on the show:
Online shopping provides a lot of opportunities for saving money while shopping. Several cash back sites, coupon sites, rewards programs are available on the net that help shoppers saving online. Such facilities are not available in the brick and mortar stores. Moreover, online retailers provide special offers to the online buyers. Being a frugal online buyer, I always use cash back websites like ShopAtHome, FatWallet, AAfter Search and Ebates, and MrRebates.
Thank you~those are all great ideas!
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