Through today, Thursday, December 3rd only, you can purchase 4 grass-fed rib eye steaks (approximately 2.75 lbs. total) for only $48.00! That is 30% OFF the retail price! Order here:
Tropical Traditions Expeller-Pressed Coconut Oil, non-certified, is made from high quality coconuts in the Philippines. This is the "common" type oil that millions of people in Asia consume on a daily basis. It is less expensive than our certified organic Expeller-Pressed Coconut Oil because it does not include the cost of organic certification. We get our Expeller-Pressed Coconut Oil, non-certified, from unpolluted areas of the Philippines where pesticides and fertilizers for coconut palms are virtually unknown. The coconuts typically come from very rural areas in the Philippines, far away from major urban centers. It is also deodorized and processed the "old" way with "physical refining" that DOES NOT use solvent extracts. This is the most economical high-quality coconut oil we sell. Expeller Pressed Coconut oil is less expensive than Virgin Coconut Oil because it is machine made, and because it goes through a steam deodorizing process the taste is very bland, unlike Virgin Coconut Oil which retains the odor and taste of fresh coconuts. Some people prefer a bland, tasteless oil.
Now, through Sunday, December 6th only, you can buy a 5-gallon pail of Tropical Traditions non-certified Expeller-pressed coconut oil at 60% OFF the retail price! That is a $240.00 value for only $95.00! Order here:
All of the moisturizing lotions that Tropical Traditions offers are made with organic Virgin Coconut Oil and organic Virgin Palm Oil. No other products on the market are made with finer oils as their base. Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil is traditionally made from fresh organic coconuts, and independent laboratory tests show that it has a higher level of antioxidants than other coconut oils (see: http://www.tropicaltraditions.com/professordiacertificate.htm). Virgin Palm Oil contains high concentrations of a powerful form of Vitamin E called "tocotrienols" which published research has shown is 40-60 times more potent than alpha-tocopherol (the most common form of Vitamin E found as an additive in most skin care products.) In addition to these powerful Vitamin E tocotrienols, Virgin Palm Oil is also rich in natural carotenes. It is one of the richest natural plant sources of carotenes with concentrations of 500-700 ppm. It is 15 times more retinol-equivalent than carrots and 300 times more than tomatoes, for example.
In addition to using only the best oils available for the skin, all other ingredients used in Tropical Traditions moisturizing lotions are 100% natural. These lotions are all hand-made, and contain no alcohols, no artificial fragrances, and no petroleum products. Because we recognize that many have sensitivities to fragrances, we offer an unscented version. For our scented lotions (Baby Silk, Lavender, Citrus, Peppermint, and Arnica) we only use high quality organic essential oils which are distilled with low temperature and low pressure over an extended period of time. Low temperature and lower pressure have proven to be the most effective method of obtaining all of the essential constituents from the plant, and provide our products with the very best quality fragrances available.
These lotions surpass most designer brands in quality and purity, and yet they are priced for every-day use.
Now, through Sunday, December 6th only, you can buy 1 lotion at the retail price, and get the second one FREE! For example, the retail value for 2 bottles of Lavender lotion is $43.00, but now you can buy 2 for only $21.50!! Order here:
Our best-selling book, Virgin Coconut Oil: How it has changed people's lives, and how it can change yours! by Brian and Marianita Shilhavy, is now in its fifth printing with over 70,000 copies in print, and is packed with 100 personal stories from people using Virgin Coconut Oil, and over 85 recipes that all incorporate either Virgin Coconut, Coconut Cream Concentrate, or Coconut Flour as an ingredient. It references documented research showing why Virgin Coconut Oil has changed so many people's lives, and easily shows how to incorporate coconut oil into one's diet.
Now, through Sunday, December 6th only, you can purchase one copy at 60% OFF. If your health has been improved by incorporating coconut oil into your diet, buy a couple copies of this book and pass it on to others and spread the news about the truth of coconut oil! Order here:
Our source for bison products comes from northern Wisconsin where the animals are grazed on prairie grass. The animals are 100% grass fed, and are also "finished" on grass. The products offered here are from the same buffalos that supply top-quality bison to many fine restaurants and shops across the U.S. Now you can have this premium source of meat delivered directly to your home! Grass-fed animals have been shown to be higher in Omega 3 fatty acids than grain-fed and finished livestock. CLA is also an essential fatty acid found primarily in grass-fed animals. Some studies have also shown that grass-fed bison contain up to 4 times more selenium than grain-fed bison.
Bison contains more protein in relation to calories than beef. Bison are very hearty animals and are genetically a purer strain of red meat than most other meats. Bison do not have to be kept in barns, and can survive very harsh winters, finding grass to eat even when buried by a couple feet of snow! Bison is a very healthy, traditional source of meat in North America. And this is the premiere source of Bison in the U.S.! Most other sources of Bison are NOT 100% grass-fed, but include grains in the feed as well. These bison are NOT treated with hormones or antibiotics. They are naturally healthy and hearty animals. We only process our bison in the late spring through fall when they are grazing on green grass.
Now, through Sunday, December 6th only, you can purchase 12 lbs. of grass-fed ground bison for only $69.00! That is 31% OFF the retail price, and only $5.75 lb. plus shipping!! Order here:
Note: Our 2009 summer batch of organic pastured chickens is now in! This year's batch averages 4 lbs. each for whole cut up chickens.
What makes Tropical Traditions Pastured Poultry different from other chickens?
1. Tropical Traditions Pastured Poultry are raised outdoors on pasture.
Commercially produced chickens are raised entirely indoors with tens of thousands of other chickens in close quarters. They typically never see the sun or pasture. Organic or "Free Range" chickens also have no standard definition or industry guidelines for how long chickens must be outdoors on pasture, leaving the consumer very confused. The USDA definition of "free-range" is rather vague. In order to label their meat and poultry "free-range or free-roaming," "Producers must demonstrate to the Agency that the poultry has been allowed access to the outside." (1) No mention of vegetation (pasture) is made. Poultry producers themselves seem to have no common standards on what the term means. Some producers interpret "access to the outside" as a small pop-door (chicken door) on an end-wall of a 100 ft. long shed filled with un-caged birds moving about freely on a litter-covered floor. Others feel they are compliant with the spirit of free-range if their birds are outside in the open air and under the sun; even if their "range" is simply bare dirt.
When it comes to the consumer's perception of "free-range," arguably the vision that "free-range" most often conjures is of a bird happily hunting and pecking in the grass in an open field. Because of the wholesomeness associated with the term "organic," many consumers take for granted that all certified organic poultry raised for meat and eggs are raised outside on green pasture. Sadly, this is not so. The term "free-range" is not even listed in the NOP (National Organic Program) "terms defined." They do give guidelines that say: "All organically raised animals must have access to the outdoors..." So when someone purchases poultry products labeled "free range" or "organic," the birds may never have actually seen the light of day or green grass its entire life. Technically, they simply have to have a door out of their confinement, but they don't have to necessarily walk through that door to meet the requirements.
2. Tropical Traditions pastured poultry are fed Cocofeed which contains no soy.
Cocofeed is an organic chicken-feed ration developed by Tropical Traditions that contains coconut pulp as well as other high-quality natural ingredients. The coconut pulp is the residue left over after coconut oil has been extracted from the coconut meat. Cocofeed contains NO soy.
In tropical cultures, coconut has been a traditional ingredient in chicken feed for hundreds, if not thousands of years. The coconut pulp residue left over after coconut oil was extracted from the coconut meat is still a common animal feed component today in places where coconuts grow. This coconut pulp is high in fiber and protein. Mechanically extracted coconut pulp was also approved by the FDA as an animal feed and listed in the AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials, Official Publication) as early as 1955. While coconut cannot supply ALL the nutritional needs of chickens, there are multitudes of studies that have been done in the Philippines and elsewhere showing how coconut pulp can be a major component of chicken feeds when combined with other quality ingredients. Some of these studies are more than 50 years old.
In more recent history, with the development of fast-growing "broiler" factory chickens, soy has become a key ingredient in chicken feeds for the purpose of supplying a high concentration of protein to promote fast growth. It is very difficult to find a chicken in the US market today that has not been fed high soy-based feeds. Even chickens advertised as "organic" or "free range" are almost always fed an organic mixture high in soybeans.
3. Tropical Traditions pastured poultry are raised by family farmers.
Tropical Traditions Pastured Poultry chickens are all raised by family farmers. These farmers run diversified farms practicing sustainable agriculture. They will rotate tracts of land with crops and other animals, or let it go fallow from time to time. When a batch of chickens is raised on a piece of pasture, typically that pasture will not see chickens again for two or more years. In the interval, crops may be grown in that pasture, or it may go fallow allowing grass to grow, die, and decompose so that the soil is kept in balance and not contaminated from too much chicken manure. So when you buy Tropical Traditions pastured poultry, you are supporting small-scale family farmers and by-passing the system that produces the conventional "factory chicken."
Now, through Thursday, December 10th only, you can save 52% off of our retail price for 3 whole chickens cut into parts averaging 4 lbs. each. Our retail price for 3 chickens is $119.00, and our normal sale price is $99.00, but now you can order them for only $56.99!! Order here:
A 5 gallon pail of organic Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil retails for $425.00, and our normal club discount is $219.00. But now, through Sunday, December 6th, you can purchase a 5-gallon pail for only $209.00!
A 60 lb. pail of Organic Raw Honey retails for $530.00, and our normal club discount is $359.00. But now, through Sunday, December 6th, you can purchase a 60 lb. pail for only $325.00!
A case of 12 of our 32 oz. Organic Coconut Water Vinegar retails for $222.00, and our normal club discount is $150.00. But now, through Sunday, December 6th, you can purchase a case for only $99.00!
Tropical Traditions also has a Referral Program, so if you place an order with them as a first-time customer, please select “Referred by a friend” and in the box that says “How did you hear of us?” enter my sponsor ID number… 5370691. By telling Tropical Traditions that I referred you, you will receive a complimentary copy of the book Virgin Coconut Oil: How it has changed people’s lives and how it can change yours! by Brian and Marianita Shilhavy with your first order! This book is filled with testimonies and research showing how healthy coconut oil is, and it also includes over 85 recipes showing how one can incorporate coconut into their diet.
Here are some easy to use directions for you:
1. Add the items you would like to purchase from the order form linked to Tropical Traditions. Visit www.healthybuyersclub.com/orderform.cfm
2. You'll be directed to the Order Form at the Tropical Traditions/Healthy Buyers Club website. You do not have to be a member or purchase a membership to buy from Tropical Traditions. Membership in the Healthy Buyers Club allows you to purchase in bulk amount at club member discounts if you choose to join. If you choose not to purchase a membership to the Healthy Buyers Club please order under the heading “Retail Sale Items”. This will enable you to purchase less than case amounts of any of the individual items without a membership.
3. Select the items you would like to purchase.
4. When you are ready to check out please click on the "Continue'' link which will take you to your shopping cart.
5. Review your order and then click on the "Check Out" button from your shopping cart.
6. Fill in your account information as directed. In the box: "How did you hear of us?'' you must select: "Referred by a friend'' on the drop down arrow. When you make this selection, a box for your sponsor's User ID number should appear if you are a first time customer.
7. Enter your sponsor's User ID number.
8. To complete your order click on "Save and Proceed to Checkout" at the bottom of this page and follow the instructions through the checkout process. You will receive an order number when you have successfully placed your order.
By following these steps, you will receive a complimentary copy of the book Virgin Coconut Oil: How it has changed people’s lives and how it can change yours! by Brian and Marianita Shilhavy. Your sponsor will receive a coupon for a complimentary gift to redeem on their next order. You may view the current complimentary gift being offered here: http://www.tropicaltraditions.com//referral_program.htm
Tropical Traditions also has a Referral Program, so if you place an order with them as a first-time customer, please select “Referred by a friend” and in the box that says “How did you hear of us?” enter my sponsor ID number… 5370691. By telling Tropical Traditions that I referred you, you will receive a complimentary copy of the book Virgin Coconut Oil: How it has changed people’s lives and how it can change yours! by Brian and Marianita Shilhavy with your first order! This book is filled with testimonies and research showing how healthy coconut oil is, and it also includes over 85 recipes showing how one can incorporate coconut into their diet.
Here are some easy to use directions for you:
1. Add the items you would like to purchase from the order form linked to Tropical Traditions. Visit www.healthybuyersclub.com/orderform.cfm
2. You'll be directed to the Order Form at the Tropical Traditions/Healthy Buyers Club website. You do not have to be a member or purchase a membership to buy from Tropical Traditions. Membership in the Healthy Buyers Club allows you to purchase in bulk amount at club member discounts if you choose to join. If you choose not to purchase a membership to the Healthy Buyers Club please order under the heading “Retail Sale Items”. This will enable you to purchase less than case amounts of any of the individual items without a membership.
3. Select the items you would like to purchase.
4. When you are ready to check out please click on the "Continue'' link which will take you to your shopping cart.
5. Review your order and then click on the "Check Out" button from your shopping cart.
6. Fill in your account information as directed. In the box: "How did you hear of us?'' you must select: "Referred by a friend'' on the drop down arrow. When you make this selection, a box for your sponsor's User ID number should appear if you are a first time customer.
7. Enter your sponsor's User ID number.
8. To complete your order click on "Save and Proceed to Checkout" at the bottom of this page and follow the instructions through the checkout process. You will receive an order number when you have successfully placed your order.
By following these steps, you will receive a complimentary copy of the book Virgin Coconut Oil: How it has changed people’s lives and how it can change yours! by Brian and Marianita Shilhavy. Your sponsor will receive a coupon for a complimentary gift to redeem on their next order. You may view the current complimentary gift being offered here: http://www.tropicaltraditions.com//referral_program.htm
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